Financial Coach 4 U (FC4U) is led to inspire and educate families in the area of total financial management. The FC4U Coaches are professionals with various specialties and over 100 years of experience, collectively. They specialize in all types of money management assistance by providing detailed financial game plans regardless of income level.
Assisting clients in saving thousands of dollars by instituting goal oriented and strategic planning techniques are exceptionally gratifying. Coaches at FC4U want people to understand that the key is not focusing on how much they make, but how much they keep. Anyone can rid themselves of excessive debt no matter what their situation may be. Financial planning is not only for the wealthy it's for EVERYONE.
Credit Repair and Debt restructuring is another area of specialization where the FC4U coaches teach simple techniques that can be used for cleaning up credit reports and paying off revolving credit card debt including mortgages. Great emphasis is focused on the concepts of living debt free and becoming Financially Independent.
Every one of our Coaches is passionate about educating and assisting the general public. They teach Basic Money Management classes and hold numerous community workshops and events throughout San Diego County at businesses, churches, low income apartments and even transitional homes. Families are educated on how money works and the tools needed for building a solid financial house.
FC4U Coaches enjoy volunteering their time teaching Basic Money Management classes to Youth, Tweens and Teens at the Boys and Girls Clubs and Teen Centers.
FC4U is committed to teaching financial literacy to everyone from Youths to Seniors. We are available for workshops, speaking engagements, mentoring and one on one coaching.
To get started with your total financial makeover click on the Online Survey Tab above on the left. If you have any financial questions or concerns for one of our coaches please click on the "Contact Us" tab below or call 619-357-6558.